Zagazillions - Nilo Lyrics
She want to drink the Nilo [Ehh on a Frio]
She want to drink the Nilo [Ehh on a Sato]
She want to come to the cribo [Ehh on a Weno]
I want to give her a pillow [Ehh on a Weno]
Ekidigida ekidigida ekidigida
Mwana ekidigida
Ekidigida ekidigida ekidigida
Mwana ekidigida
Verse I
I want to take her to the crates [Crates]
I want to kibooko her cakes [Cakes]
I want to give her the Colgate [Colgate]
She wants to enter my pocket [Pocket]
I want to take her to the crates [Crates]
I want to kibooko her cakes [Cakes]
I want to give her the chocolate [Chocolate]
I want to eat her like an omelette
Kumbe she wants my kumbe [Kumbe]
Kumbe she wants my lumonde [Lumonde]
Kumbe she wants my mumbe [Mumbe]
Kumbe njagala harvestinga
Kumbe njagala ekidigida
Kumbe njagala ekidigi what!
Ekidigi ekidigi ekidigi ekidigi ekidigi, what
Njagala slay queen
Njagala Luzinda
Njagala Bad Black
Njagala Fabiola
Njagala Kadaga, Rebecca Kadaga
Njagala Musisi, ahh! Jennifer Musisi [What!]
Njagala Sangalyambogo
Sumbi sumbi [Sumbi, sumbi]
The royal sumbi [Sumbi, sumbi]
I take her to Kasubi tombs [Tombs]
Winnie Nwagi [Nwagi]
Katono katono katono
Booty munene munene munene
Nsenene nene nene nene nene
Haha cho! Bomboclat dem dead [Dead]
Yeah woyo [Woyo]
It’s another one [It’s another one]