Wanonda - Judith Babirye


Judith Babirye

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Wanonda Lyrics

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Wannonda mu nsi eno (You chose me in this world)
Bwenali ntabula obw’omu (When I was walking alone)
Wampita elinya (You called my name)
Dala notafayo kubanafu bwange (Not caring for my weakness)
Wankwaata ku mukono (You held my hand)
Nompisa mu kaseela akaali akazibu enyo (And got me through difficult times)
Yegwe Wannonda kulunaku (It is You who chose me)
Olubi olwokuzilika (On the evil day of fainting)
Obulamu nga bulima ebipapajo (When life was in pieces)
Yengwe Wannonda (You chose me)

(Mukama) Yengwe Wannonda (Lord, You  chose me)
Mukama nga sinaba kukutegela (Before I even knew You, Lord)
Ensi nga tenaba kkumanya (Before the world knew me)
Nompita omwana (You called me Your child)
Kankuwe omutimwa gwange (I give You my heart)
Mukama kanukwe obulamu bwange (Lord, I give You my life)
Taata sikilinaamu buzibu (Father, this is not hard)
Kubanga yegwe wannonda (For it is You who chose me) (Repeat)
Bwe wannonda wakyusa olugelo lwange (You changed my story when You chose me)
Amagenda gange, kanti ndaba gyendaga (And My future, I see now my path)
Sikyakaaba lwanaku (No more tears of sorrow)
Kati nkaaba lwasanyu (I now cry for joy)
Mukama yegwe wannonda (Lord, You chose me)
bwenamenyeka omutima eli munda (When my heart was broken)

Kati bwotyo, onabanga Katonda wange (Now You will forever be my God)
Yengwe wannonda (For You chose me)
Lwenamenyeka omutima eli munda (When my heart was broken)
Dala bwotyo (Truly in this way)
Onabanga Musumba wange (You will forever be my Shepherd)
Yegwe Wannonda (For You chose me)
Bwenakaba okujula okuzirika (When I cried until I was fainted

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