Where Shall I Go - Ruyonga

Where Shall I Go

Ruyonga ft. The Collective

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Deep in the Ocean blue,
I could find you
Up in the clouds with the raindrops falling
Or here where I am its true.
I could find you

Where should I go from your spirit
Where should I flee from your Presence oh God(if I)
Take the wings of the morning
even then
your hands shall lead me,

to where you are

Where could I possibly go Lord
where could I possibly go
where could I possibly go
If I could fly past the highest
wherever beyond where the stars floatin
you'd be waiting there to meet me
if I could rap and the load the hottest beat
In hell in a submarine boat
You'd still be there layin beneath me
basically the stereo
the AC the DC
the AD the BC
the past present and future
you chase me you lead me
so complex and yet you made it look easy
my lifeline your the season
you created me to need me
you sent me out to the world
only to receive me
you never seem to be there
yet you never leave me
you push me to seek
that that your never too far to reach me
got the right to beckon me
yet still you beseech me
staying hidden inside me
yet you are so beyond me
calling for me to find
what has always been there beside me
looking to me to eat
at what only you can provide for me
calling out in the dark to me
this whole world gotten me
below me and behind me
infront of and behind me

where could I possibly go
that you wouldnt find me

Where should I go from your spirit
Where should I flee from your Presence oh God(if I)
Take the wings of the morning

even then
your hands shall lead me,
to where you are

Where could I possibly go Lord
where could I possibly go
where could I possibly go
coz I could fly past the farthest planet
and find the darkest form or void across it
I still couldn't escape you
if I search inside me and learn
my deepest mystery
there'd still be more to find
if your not what it would equate to
coz you are both the
alpha and the omega
the beginning and the end
the spot of the sheep nd the shepherd
my deliverer and friend
fully God and fully man
the lion and the lamb
who's life was ended
before all of creation begin
the nail and hammer expert
that was laid to the cross
the one I was told to find
only to learn our world lost
the future present and my past
the first became the last
the blessing that took the curse
so that our roles could reverse
the holy water
for whom I am promised to never thirst
the one that has the authority
over heaven and earth
the one whom before I was born
gave his death to my birth
honored by the same universe
he so selflessly served

below me and behind me
infront of and behind me
where could I possibly go

that you wouldn't find me Lord
Where should I go from your spirit

Where should I flee from your Presence oh God(if I)
Take the wings of the morning
even then
your hands shall lead me,

to where you are
deep in that ocean blue
there I can find you
high in the cloudiest view
there I can find you
in my proximity too
there I will find you
there's no depth I could drop to
no height I won't climb to
from there in that chapel
next me in that church pew
to being in that club
by my side on that barstool
to that bedroom next
with each and every girl I lied to
watching me even as I
would mentally try to block you
next to me around
each and every person I lied to
round every one
to whom i would go back
and cry for
to every reggae tune
I would blaze
and get high to
there's no where I
could be beside you
where I could from you
in every holy vicinity you'd say hi to me
in every den of Iniquity
you'd be silently sitted on the side of me
calling me the sobriety
thw righteousness and piety

the world in its entirety
just bare before you
there before your eyes
as u remind me
nomatter how much I was lost

you gave it all to find me Lord
Where should I go from your spirit
Where should I flee from your Presence oh God(if I)
Take the wings of the morning
even then
your hands shall lead me,
to where you are